Tuesday 5 April 2016

For the good mental and physical health proper sleep is required. If we don't sleep sufficient than we might suffer from diabetes, depression and the weight also increases. These tips are useful for the proper sleep.

- Change the drink of day:

I f you have the habit of drinking tea coffee than after 2:00, you stop drinking such things. If you have habit of drinking tea coffee before you sleep than change this habit as well. Because it is harmful for those who don't feel to sleep.

- Quit heavy dinner:

If you have habit of eating much in Night than quit this habit. Vegetable, pulse, salad, milk will help you to gain proper sleep.

- Don't drink alcohol before sleeping:

If you drink alcohol before you sleep than you might not get proper sleep. But this is not truth. This is help you to sleep soon but your sleep will be disturbed soon, you will wake up time and again.

- Don't take much alcohol:

If you don't feel like sleeping and you drink lot of alcohol than quit this habit. Don't drink alcohol more than 2 pec. If possible quit this habit.

- Don't bath with hot water during night:

If you have a habit of bathing with hot water as you return back from work than quit this habit because if body doesn't gets cool to some extent than you will not get proper sleep and if you should bath than you can before few hours you sleep.

- Keep the dim light on sleeping room:

You will not feel sleeping if there is high light on your room, so keep the dim light. So that your mood will help you to sleep soon.

- Don't use the phone on bed:

If you have the habit of using phone on the bed than quit this habit from now. You will get concentrated on phone and you cannot sleep. And keep the phone on silence mode while sleeping.

- Make schedule:

Make the schedule of sleeping and waking up and adopt this habit. If you make this habit than you will get habitual slowly.

- Don't do exercise before you sleep:

Doing exercise is good but doing exercise before sleeping is not good. This will make the blood transmission fast and it will take time to get back at its place and this will disturb your sleep so you need to keep 4 hrs gap before sleeping and exercise.

- Quit smoking:

If you have a habit of smoking before sleeping than quit this habit. The people with this habit cannot sleep properly and this is proved from many studies. The nicotine on smoke will not lead you to sleep soon.

- Don't take medicine before sleeping:

If you have the habit of taking medicine of various disease than give a gap between the sleep and taking medicine. This medicine will not lead you to sleep if you eat just before you sleep.

- Write the things on your heart:

When people thinks a lot they can't sleep so you can write this things on diary and you will be able to sleep well.

- Listen story and songs:

If you can't sleep than you can listen songs, stories and make this habit to sleep. People are being able to sleep adopting this habit.

- Think positive:

If you think bad this will not let you to sleep properly. So for this you need to think good of others and you can think about good things that you are going to do next day. This will make you free from pressure and tension.

- Take a deep breathe:

Taking a deep breathe will help to increase the oxygen intake which will help you take a good sleep.

- Be careful on food:

You can eat one of these items before you sleep like fish, curd, gram, onion etc.

- Don't drink water before you sleep:

Some people has the habit of drinking water before sleeping but you need to quit this habit because you need to go for urine and this will affect your sleep.

Sunday 3 April 2016

Hair fall problem this day is being normal. Young people feels old due to the hair fall. So it is better to prevent the hair fall rather then regretting it later.

What you should do?

- Apply aloevera after bathing and wash it after 15 minutes. Doing this will to stop hair fall. Doing this three times a week will get the better and quick results.

- Boil water with neem until it gets half and make it cool and wash your hair, be careful don't let it get into your eyes. Doing this once a week hair fall will stop.

- Doing massage with dry gooseberry and coconut oil,this will make your hair strong.

- Keep the fenugreek overnight and grind it properly and apply it till the tips and wash after 40 minutes, this will stop the hair fall.

- Grind the onion and apply it on the hair and after 40 minutes wash your hair. This practice also help your hair fall stop.

- Sink the green tea on three cups of hot water and make it cool and apply it on your hair, this will make your hair stronger.

- Remove the yellow part of the egg and apply the white part till the root and tips of the hair and wash it after 20 minutes. This will also stop the hair fall.

- If you have lots of hair fall problem then you need to do exercise 30 minutes 5 days on a week. This will help in blood transmission. That means, Blood transmission affect your hair.

- You need to do hair massage twice a week.

What you shouldn't do?

- You shouldn't tie the hair tightly.

- You shouldn't comb it time and again, it will led more hair fall.

- You shouldn't walk on sun much and you should carry umbrella while getting out in the sun.

- You shouldn't bath with hot water.

- You shouldn't use hair color and chemicals on hair rather leave it natural.

- You shouldn't rub your hair with any clothes after bathing very tightly.

- You shouldn't eat more red meat.

- You should eat pumpkin seed, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, pulse etc.

- You should avoid junk food because this will lead more hair fall.

Wednesday 30 March 2016

The yellowish teeth has been one of the common problem these days. No proper care, smoking, tobacco are one of the reasons for yellowish teeth. However, no one wants to have that yellowish teeth. So, we are giving some home remedies for you, follow this procedure your teeth will become whiteness.

- Still there is a tradition of having teeth brush with salt and oil in village which is really a good practice clean and healthy teeth. The yellowish of teeth will easily be removed within some days by 294 drops pure mustard oil in salt for brush.

- Make the paste of banana and massage your teeth for a minute with that paste. Then brush your teeth which will remove the yellowish of teeth.

- Tulasi one of the magic herb for teeth. Tulasi will not only remove yellowish teeth but also gives healthy mouth and gums. Dry the Tulasi leaves in the sun and make the powder from that dry leaves. The brush of teeth with that powder mixed paste will give the shining white teeth.

- Wash out your mouth after having food with the lemon juice mixed with same amount of water. This process gives rid from teeth and also from smelling breathe.

- Dry an orange peel and tulasi leaves in the sun and make a powder from them. Brush your teeth with the mixture of that powder with your tooth paste, so that you can get white shining teeth.

- Having carrot after every meal will also give rid from yellowish teeth.

- Neem is another magical remedies for yellowish teeth. Take a small piece of neem and start to clean your teeth with that which helps you to get healthy shining white teeth.

- Strawberry is easy and tasty remedies for solving an yellow teeth issue.

- Have baking soda, add a pinch of salt. Wet your toothbrush and dip in the mixed powder of baking soda and salt. Brush your teeth with the powder. You may take powder again on your toothbrush. Do this once a week and see your teeth naturally getting whiter.


Saturday 26 March 2016

High blood pressure is not a disease itself but this creates many serious conditions. When the pressure gets 140/90 that is said high blood pressure. If you bring the changes in lifestyles than you can prevent the pressure as well. To be aware from high blood pressure apply this ideas:

Do regular exercise, walk or run: This will activate the heart and helps to ease the blood to pump. While running the oxygen gets increased which helps to maintain the blood pressure.

Eat the banana daily: Banana contains potassium which keeps the liquor of body in control which also control the blood pressure drink curd with adding water. This contains calcium that makes the blood nerves strong and flexible so that blood flow gets easy without pressure. Drinking one cup of curd water daily will keep the pressure away.

Sleeping in a proper amount to helps to reduce the blood pressure. If you take out the sound while sleeping than you need to be careful, you need to sleep properly without taking out the sound.
Fatness is the enemy of blood pressure which brings risk factors of heart. So, you need to maintain your weight.

Cigarettes, Tobacco should be stopped. This pump up the cells of the body which produce more hormones in adrenaline gland. This will affect the heat beat so you need to quit this habit soon.
Alcohol too helps to increase the blood pressure so you need to quit such habits.

Fast food should be avoided. This is too one of the product that increase the pressure so you need to quit this habits. You should leave drinking coffee or reduce its level. The caffeine increases the pressure.

Friday 25 March 2016

We need skin that glossy and clear without enlarged irritating and pores blackheads. We do the hopeless, experience excruciating cosmetic treatments, and purchase expensive lotions and exfoliates and then discover they come back eventually when attempting remove blackheads. Blackheads are microscopic pimples which when subjected to moisture and air oxidize and turn black to brown in colour.

Occasionally they're not hard and will be removed only with scrubbing but occasionally that is not the situation plus they prove very hard to get rid of. Fortunately for you personally, we have got the perfect DYI mask which will allow you to remove blackheads once and for all.


1. Salt
2. Mint toothpaste
3. 2-3 ice cubes


Mix the salt and toothpaste in a small bowl until they are well combined into a nice paste. Apply the paste on your problematic area and leave it on for until dry out. Then take some water and massage your face very gently using circular motions. Rinse the mask and rub the ice cubes against your face The ice will help close the pores and prevent future blackheads from appearing. Pat dry your face with a clean cotton towel and you're done. Admire your blackheads free face.

Benefits of the ingredients:

Salt: Salt is known for its natural antibacterial properties and is also very beneficial for skin exfoliation.

Mint: The mint from the toothpaste helps open up your pores making it easier to deep clean them, eliminate bacteria and remove the blackheads.

Caution: Be very gentle when massaging your skin to avoid irritation. Your face may be a bit reddish after the treatment, but it will get back to normal shortly. If your skin is dry make sure you use a moisturizer afterwards.

 Healthy Life Team.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

We don't know that our blood group too signify what type of blood do we need. If people can't select the food according to their blood group than the problems like acidity, digestion, constipation occurs this has been proved on various study. According to dietitian food contains protein as lecitin which react with the antigen of the blood. So, the food should be according to the blood group if it is wrong according to the blood group various problems occurs. So lets know which blood group people should eat what.

Group 'O': 

This group people have weak digestion compared to other. So this group people should eat less beans or seeds items. This groups people should eat meat rather than beans and they should eat green vegetables and fruits in more number.

Group 'A':

This group people are allergic to dairy products. They have less power to digest meat as well. So, they need to eat less dairy and meat items. They should include vegetables on their food mostly. Fruits, vegetables, spinach and beans will be good for this group people.

Group 'B':

This group people should eat less oily products like peanuts. They feel hard to digest such oily products and they can eat dairy products and meat more.

Group 'AB':

This group people are the luckiest on the matter of food. Because of this group people can eat any type of food. Their digestive organ is strongly active than other group people. But you shouldn't eat more even if you can and you should eat food in balanced way.

Sunday 20 March 2016

What is Earth Hour?

Earth hour is a worldwide grassroots movement uniting people to protect the planet and is organized by WWF. Engaging a massive mainstream community on a broad range of environmental issues. Earth hour was famously started as a lights-off event in Sydney, Australia in 2007. Since then it has grown to engage more than 7000 cities and towns worldwide, and the one-hour event continues to remain the key driver of the now larger movement.

What does Earth Hour aim to achieve?

Earth hour aims to encourage an interconnected global community to share the opportunities and challenges of creating a sustainable world.

Why is Earth Hour the event held in late March?

The second-to-last and weekend of march is around the time of the Spring and Autumn equinoxes in the northern and southern and southern hemispheres respectively, which allows for near coincidental sunset times in both hemispheres, thereby ensuring the greatest visual impact for a global 'lights out' event. Earth hour 2016 held on Saturday 19 March between 8.30PM and 9.30PM in local time zone.

What does the meaning of Earth hour Logo of 60+?

The standard Earth hour '60+' logo represents 60 minutes of Earth Hour where we focus on the impact we are having on our planet and take positive action to address the environmental issues we face. For Earth Hour 2011 the '60+' logo was introduced representing a commitment to add to Earth Hour a positive act for the planet that goes beyond the hour. Take up the 'plus' and get involved with Earth Hour.

Saturday 19 March 2016

People who have oily skin usually also have big and visible pores. Also, they usually hate these pores and try to make them less visible and shrink them. There are numerous products on the market that tighten the skin and that reduce the appearance of the large pores, but these products are usually over the counter. The good news is that you can now prepare your own natural remedies in your own home and eliminate the problem.

Here is what you should do:

1. Water and Baking Soda: Mix two tablespoons of baking soda and two tablespoons of water and mix well. You will get a paste which you should then apply onto your face and let it dry for about fifteen minutes. Once the mask tightens, wash your face with cold water. Your face oily skin and visible pores will be reducing day by day.

2. Cucumber, Lemon and Rosewater: Peel a cucumber and crush its flesh. Then, add several drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of rosewater to the cucumber to get a mixture. Next, take a clean cloth and put the mixture in it, fold the cloth and apply it to your face. After a while, wash your face with cool water.

3. Egg white and Lemon juice: You can make a natural face mask using a few drops of lemon juice and two egg whites. Once you make the mask, apply it on to your face and wait for several minutes until it dries. Then, wash your face with cold water. Not only will this mask help you tighten the pores on your skin, but it will also help you eliminate the dead skin cells and the oil from your skin.

4. Tomato and Lime juice: Make a mixture form a little tomato juice and 2-4 drops of lime juice. Take a cotton ball and soak it into the liquid mixture, and then apply the mixture to your face, letting it stay on for fifteen minutes. In the end, rinse your face with cold water. The acid from the lime and the tomatoes will help you remove the oil from your face because these ingredients have astringent properties. This treatment is also useful for tightening your skin and closing your pores.

5. Almond and Lime juice: Take several almonds and put them in a small container with water. Leave the almonds overnight so that they soak the water. The next morning, mash them and make an almond paste. Add a teaspoon of lime juice to the paste and apply it onto your face. After 30 minutes, wash your face with cold water.

6. Lemon and Pineapple Juice: Take a half lemon and squeeze the juice out of it. Then, add half a cup of pineapple juice to the lemon juice and mix well. Next, take a clean cloth and soak it in the mixture and place it on your face, letting it stay for five minutes. In the end, wash your face with cool water. Pineapple contains enzymes that help in skin cleansing and tightening. Moreover, it has even better effects when combined with the astringent effect of the acid in the lemon juice.

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